Tag Archive for: Bevo Mill

Photo Flood 123: Bevo Mill

Photo Flood 123: Bevo Mill

Photographer Maureen Minich Photographer Florence Flick Bevo Mill was flood 21, first visited by Photo Flood STL in April 2014. Here is the link to the original article with an extensive write up on the area. http://www.photofloodstl.org/photo-flood-21-bevo-mill/  Photographer Mike Matney Photographer Bob Crowe Clay deposits discovered in the 1830s...

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Photo Flood 21: Bevo Mill

Photo Flood 21: Bevo Mill

photograph by Jason Gray Bevo Mill is a south St. Louis neighborhood punctuated by the independent character of its many waves of inhabitants. Nearby where they intersect, a thriving commercial and dining district exists along the neighborhood’s main thoroughfares of Delor, Morganford and Gravois. Here, the health of the...

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